Awesome treatments I’ve had - Seeing Hands Massage in Kampot, Cambodia


Please note the numbers only indicate the order in which I wrote the post not the order in which I place the treatments, they are all amazing, that’s why I wrote about them :) 

In Cambodia there is no social welfare and support for people with any kind of disability and blind people fall into this category. Most people with disabilities are left to beg on the streets for survival. 

Step in ‘Seeing Hands’ an initiative set up throughout Cambodia to train blind people in the art of massage.This is usually a combination of Khmer and Japanese techniques and the students are also taught spoken and Braille Khmer and English, anatomy, pathology, physiology and accounting and computer skills.

This massage literally blew me away. It was essentially a Thai massage, done through pyjama-esq clothing. But the woman who massaged me was blind. 

They often say people who loose one sense often gain heightened sensitivity in another and this rang true. She could just tell things about me by touching me. She worked so intuitively, gently and deeply. Afterwards I was sat talking to her about my life in England and she was holding and touching my face to work out what I looked like and when I went back a few days later she recognised me by the sound of my voice. 

I often think of her and close my eyes during a treatment to help me let go and feel what’s going on with a body rather than observing, looking and searching. 

So if you are ever in Cambodia, go and give one a go. It will cost you less than $10 and will help support an amazing organisation and enable them to keep passing on the knowledge to help others. 

Makai, massage with Chloe 

Jennie Lewis