Treating Your Scar Tissue

This information is aimed at women who have had children via cesarean section and gives some tips for treating the scar yourself at home. This should NOT be practiced if you have had a cesarean within the last 4 months or if you have any type of IUD fitted. 

I’d like to touch on the emotional aspect of scars, especially c-section ones. There may be many different, overwhelming emotions connected to your scar and it is important that you work gently and respectfully with yourself. Most of the techniques can be done through clothes and this is just as effective if you are not ready to directly touch your scar yourself. 

Most of the techniques do not require any oils or lotions, but it is really lovely to finish with some gentle oil massage afterwards. You can apply pure lavender essential oil directly to the scar and this can massively help reduce the appearance of it over time. Make sure you use a reputable brand and ensure it is Lavendula Angustifolia (I use tisserand oils for my aromatherapy treatments) and only apply one or two drops each time. If you wish to perform an oil massage on yourself, you can of course use any massage oil, grapeseed & sweet almond work well and are readily available and affordable. If you don’t have these then you can grab some olive or coconut oil from your kitchen. I’m a big fan of the songbird massage waxes, a small tub of this will last you a long time! The women’s blend (geranium & frankincense) and Pacific nights (jasmine & neroli) are my two favourite for treating female clients. 

The massage techniques are simple and easy to do, you won’t do any harm as long as you work gently with yourself and respect your pain threshold. The massage techniques are quite deep and it is common to feel sore afterward as but you should never feel any actual pain whilst you are working on yourself. If you reach a level of discomfort that makes you alter your breathing, I suggest you ease off and readjust the pressure before you start working again. I suggest that you take care in the days before ovulation and menstruation where many women report feeling more sensitive. Just work with how you are feeling on the day. 

It doesn’t matter how old your scar is, the techniques are still beneficial. It is not dangerous to treat an old scar but left untreated it can lead to many symptoms. 

Before you begin the treatment make sure you have a comfortable space, your bed, a mat on the floor in the living room work well. Just wherever you feel at ease and may have some privacy. It’s good idea to trim your fingernails short so they do not dig in. Placing a pillow or two underneath your knees also feels really nice and takes pressure off your lower back. 

First of all I would like you start simply by placing your hands over your scar, does this feel ok? Are you comfortable doing this? Can you feel your scar? Does it feel different to the surrounding area? Without looking, if you can, is there any numbness? How does the scar feel? Can you describe it? Tight? Hard? Sore? Is there any pain? Is there a difference between the left and right side? 

Next Id like you take a more pointed finger and press slightly deeper into the areas where you can feel the scar and move your fingertip in tiny circles as you sink in to the tissue. You should “feel” this but it should by no means be painful. Just do 3-4 slow circles at a depth that works for you and then move along the length of the scar repeating the circles as you go. 

There are two options for the next technique, you can perform it without removing the pillows and leaving you legs bent and resting or your can remove the pillows so you can lengthen your leg and deepen the work. Just got at your own pace and with what feels right for you. 

So I’d like you to curve your hands into a hook shape and place the fingertips of the hook just below your scar but above your pubic bone, let them sink in and then pull the scar tissue up towards to your navel and just hold it here, relax and breath and continue to hold for 5-10 breaths. No sliding on the skin, this is a dry grip and is easy to do through clothes as well if you wish. If you would like to deepen the stretch then this is where you remove the pillows and once you are in the hold slowly lengthen one leg away till it’s flat on the floor whilst you keep hold of the scar, relax and breath into it, bend leg back up and repeat up to 3 times then do the same on the other side. 

Quite often women report feeling this further down their legs and around their vagina opening and surrounding tissue, this is great and means  have a good grip and in need of the treatment. 

You can also perform this hold working in at a diagonal angle from the hip bones towards the navel. 

If you wish you can chose to end with some gentle oil massage to finish. 

Have fun, work with your body, go gently and message for any questions. 


Massage with Chloe 

Chloe Pedlar