Scar Tissue Release

Scar Tissue Release
£45/£65 | 60/90mins
’the one for scar tissue’

The focus of this work is to use powerful fascial release techniques that work on the collagenous component of the scar tissue and internal adhesions. External scar tissue can create tight, pulling sensations in the site of injury and surrounding tissues. The internal adhesions may cause pain, discomfort and be effecting the internal organs; the bladder, uterus, digestive and reproductive system’s. The fascial release techniques are light and gentle with the aim of reducing pain, improving function, and facilitating re-integration of the scar tissue.

These techniques are especially effective for adhesions and scar tissue caused by inflammatory conditions including Endometriosis, Chron’s disease, colitis, IBS, as well as for scar tissue from radiation therapy and surgical scars. They are applicable for women who may be having difficulty conceiving due to abdominal adhesions.

As our bodies heal from disease, injury or surgical procedures; the tissue layers can adhere/get stuck to one another. Scar tissue release helps to loosen these adhesions both superficially and deep within the body. This facilitates improved function of the tissues, organs and movement at the site of injury and the surrounding area.

It can be extremely helpful for:

  • Reducing pain and restriction.

  • Creating better internal function (e.g. reduce pain on urination).

  • Restoring nerve function - including numbness, pain and sensitivity.

  • Reversing uterine and vaginal prolapse as well sensations of prolapse.

  • Enhancing movement of the surrounding tissues, to reduce pulling and sticking.

  • Reducing adhesions caused by inflammatory response (IBS, Endometriosis, Crones, Colitis)

  • Enhance chances of fertility if internal adhesions are play a role in preventing it.

As part of this treatment you will be encouraged to perform some self care, this not only makes sense from a monetary point of view but can also be a really empowering part of your healing journey!

Jennie Lewis