ABDOMINAL SACRAL MASSAGE from £55 "The one for your abdomen"
Abdominal Sacral Massage
The one for your abdomen
This is an incredible massage treatment that traditionally stems from the Mayan tradition. It works to bring your whole abdominal area into alignment, for optimal organ function, over all health and well being. We will work on all your vital organs (for women this also includes your reproductive organs), digestive system, the small and large intestine, liver, diaphragm, iloceacal valve and your sacral, lumbar and gluteal regions. It helps to strengthen the surrounding muscles and ligaments, reduces tension, improves peristaliltic motion, helps release impacted matter and really boosts blood, nerve and lymph supply to this area that is so often forgotten about or hidden away.
I highly recommend this treatment for anyone suffering with any form of digestive trouble including Crohn’s, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Gastro Oesophageal Reflux Disease, Gastritis, Constipation, Indigestion, etc. For women it can help with Menstrual Disorders (painful/irregular periods), Pre-Conception through Postpartum, Discomforts of Pregnancy; Birth Preparation, C-section/hysterectomy surgery recovery, Menopause, endometriosis, cysts, fibroid's, Poly-cystic ovarian syndrome, Chronic bladder/yeast infections & Pelvic organ prolapse. It is also beneficial if you have had any kind of trauma in your life, if your stress levels are high and you have on going lower back troubles or pain. I love this treatment so much that I encourage clients to have a little bit of abdominal work during most other massage treatments now too.
The massage itself will be tailored to you and your needs, and will usually start with a back massage, focusing on your sacral and lumbar area to relax you and work on the tissues behind the abdomen and open your sacrum. The majority of the massage is spent working on your stomach area to stimulate the digestive & reproductive organs and help release deeply held emotions. Various massage, facial release and holding techniques are used throughout the treatment and it’s perfectly normal to feel euphoric or quite emotional after this treatment and both are great! So no worries there!
Generally a colon and sacral massage can be performed at any time, however a womb massage has some restrictions:
Just before or during a bleed
If you have a coil fitted
If you are in your first trimester of pregnancy
Any recent abdominal surgery
If you have an infection or high temperature
And please let me know if any of the following apply to you:
Recent abdominal surgery
Active infection or cancer present in pelvic area, or while undergoing chemotherapy
Pregnancy (modification)
Hiatal Hernia (gentle massage required)
Active and acute infection
Abdominal Aneurysm
Diastasis Rectus
Pessary for uterine prolapse (remove prior to your session)
Any serious health condition that causes you concern